Welcome Zara Columbia Dershowitz

Zara was born at 9:06 PM, July 7, 2003.  She weighed in at 6 lbs 4.5 oz. and is 18.25 inches "tall."

Her parents are kind of tired, so this is just a quick and dirty couple of pictures to say hello.

Here she is about 3 minutes old

3 minutes

Here she is already 14 hours old, and sleeping peacefully  (nice hat!):

She is asleep

This is just a bit before the Proud Parents went home with her.  Zara is a day and a half old (the parents are more):

Now that is a content and relaxed baby:

Nice dress.  She is modelling at home for the first time:

Not old enough to be Grandparents?

Them neither (but they have been practicing longer)

My toes are getting cold, Daddy, warm them up.

What is she thinking?

Uncle E is visiting (that is much easier than Double First Cousin Once Removed)

And here is Aunt Rana

The baby in her natural habitat?

I am too cool for my diaper!

Just wait 'til I have teeth added to this smile!